sábado, 7 de agosto de 2010

Boletín de agosto de HRGR / HRGR’s August Newsletter

It has been published on HRGR the August 2010 president’s newsletter. We agree the resort is improving, but several points have drawn our attention.
Se ha publicado en HRGR el boletín de agosto 2010 de la presidenta. Estamos de acuerdo en que el resort está mejorando, pero nos han llamado la atención varios puntos.
  • On another financial aspect, we have agreed a financial delegation and tender policy that we will implement immediately - We are glad to see that after three years managing the resort finally a more transparent tender policy is posed, one of our main vindications (see Total transparency).
  • On another financial aspect, we have agreed a financial delegation and tender policy that we will implement immediately - Nos alegra ver que, tras tres años gestionando el resort, por fin se plantean una política de ofertas más transparente, una de nuestras principales reinvidicaciones (ver Transparencia total).
  • Constitutionally we also have the 8 phase presidents to vote for...and they...and they alone are allowed to stand or vote for the Resort president - That may be true historically, but the statutes do not say that. Moreover, each phase’s president represents a different number of buildings and owners, and this is not very democratic - one apartement, one vote (see Unbalanced representation in the resort's phase presidents' meeting).
  • Constitutionally we also have the 8 phase presidents to vote for...and they...and they alone are allowed to stand or vote for the Resort president - Puede que sea así históricamente, pero los estatutos no lo avalan. Además cada presidente de fase representa a un número diferente de de edificios y de propietarios, lo que no es muy democrático - un apartamento, un voto (ver Representación desequilibrada en la reunión de presidentes de fase del resort).
  • A few individuals seem to complain the loudest on various forums about the elected committee and Resortalia - Where do you want us to defend our proposals? You seldom heeded our differences on the resort administration. The HRGR website is in fact president’s website. Anyway, we already knew that you did not like the criticism (see No forum, no critics).
  • A few individuals seem to complain the loudest on various forums about the elected committee and Resortalia - ¿Dónde quería que defendiéramos nuestras propuestas? Raramente hizo caso a nuestras opiniones relativas a la administración el resort. La web de los propietarios es en realidad la web de la presidenta. De todas formas, ya sabíamos que a Vd no la gustan la críticas (ver Sin foro no hay críticas).
We want finally to thank for your efforts in favour of the resort. There is no doubt you face many difficult problems, things can never be perfect, and you have a heavy workload (voluntarily accepted). But remember that Enlightened Despotism was a political model in the XVIIIth century, not the XXIth. Democracy is not to do whatever you want, after being elected (see Amazing and worrying decisions).
Queremos por último agradecerla sus desvelos por el resort. Es indudable que hace frente a muchos y difíciles problemas, que las cosas nunca pueden ser perfectas y que  tiene una gran carga de trabajo (voluntariamente aceptada). Pero recuerde que el Despotismo Ilustrado fue un modelo político del siglo XVIII, no del XXI. La democracia no es hacer lo que quiera, tras ser elegida (ver Decisiones sorprendentes y preocupantes).

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