domingo, 6 de junio de 2010

Transparencia total / Total transparency

You probably have an apartment in Hacienda Riquelme that you enjoy a few weeks a year. You may also occasionally rent it out to help you pay the community charge or mortgage. You come to the resort to rest, without having to worry about anything else. We have enough with the global crisis. But do you know whether such nonchalance is actually costing you money?

Hacienda Riquelme has 1864 apartments. Only about 70-80 are occupied during all or most of the year. The resort's total annual budget for 2010 amounts to 2.654 k € (see entry in this blog Updated 2010 budget). This figure includes the budget for the general community and those budgets for all sub-communities.

This high amount is spent mostly on a relatively small number of major contracts: administration, security, cleaning, refuse collection, gardening, spraying, general, swimming pools and fountains and TV system maintenance, water, electricity and lighting etc.

A separate issue is the damp. Damp is beginning to affect some building structures. There are concerns that a solution will entail difficult negotiations, protracted legal battles and more money.

Anyone who has the responsibility to influence, decide and sign contracts, or is involved in resolving conflicts such as the damp, should be absolutely transparent to the rest of owners.

It won’t help  anyone to speculate over whether certain contracts were negotiated in a timely manner, or if someone was hired at over market prices, or whether the intention was to replace a supplier for reasons not sufficiently clear, or if there are delays that could damage the community.

Following the AGM 2010, some owners, particularly Spanish, were angry because of what they see as a lack of information and inadequate efforts. Some points of contention, data and suggestions have already been posted on this blog.

From here we urge elected officials in Hacienda Riquelme to ensure that there is maximum transparency. We suggest that the owners ask for information. So that we can come to the resort to rest, without worrying about anything else, and with no extra cost.

Usted probablemente tiene un apartamento en Hacienda Riquelme que disfruta unas pocas semanas al año. Tal vez también lo alquile de forma ocasional para ayudar a pagar los gastos de comunidad o la hipoteca. Si viene al resort es a descansar, sin tener que preocuparse de nada más. Bastante tenemos con la crisis global. Pero ¿sabe usted si esa despreocupación le está costando dinero?

Hacienda Riquelme tiene 1864 apartamentos. Sólo unos 70-80 están ocupados durante todo o casi todo el año. El presupuesto anual total del resort para 2010 asciende a 2.654 k€ (vea la entrada de este blog Presupuesto 2010 actualizado). Esta cifra incluye el presupuesto de la comunidad general y los de todas las subcomunidades.

Esta elevada cantidad se gasta en su mayor parte en un número relativamente pequeño de importantes contratos: administración, seguridad, limpieza, recogida de basuras, jardinería, fumigación, mantenimiento general, de piscinas y fuentes, del sistema de televisión,  agua, electricidad y alumbrado….

Cuestión aparte es el asunto de las humedades que, en algún edificio, empiezan a afectar a la estructura. Es de temer que su solución requerirá arduas negociaciones, largos pleitos y bastante dinero.

Todo el que tenga la responsabilidad de influir, decidir y firmar contratos, o que participe en la solución de conflictos como el de las citadas humedades, debería ser absolutamente transparente frente al resto de propietarios.

No beneficia a nadie que se especule sobre si se negoció o no en tiempo y forma determinados contratos, o si se contrató a precios superiores a los del mercado, o si se pretendió reemplazar a un proveedor por razones no suficientemente claras, o si se podrían retrasar gestiones con perjuicio para la comunidad.

Tras la AGM 2010, comenzó a ponerse de manifiesto el descontento de algunos propietarios, sobre todo españoles, debido a lo que consideran falta de información y gestiones inadecuadas. Algunos puntos conflictivos, datos y sugerencias han ido saliendo ya en este blog.

Desde aquí insistimos a los responsables electos de Hacienda Riquelme en lo conveniente de que su gestión tenga la máxima transparencia. A los propietarios les sugerimos que reclamen información. Así podremos venir al resort a descansar, sin preocuparnos de nada más, y sin que nos cueste dinero extra.

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

For sure we are being taken for a ride and it is not going to get better while MD and Co ignore pleas to renegotiate contracts or decide to sign up lift contracts for 10 years without any consultation. She doesn't just think she's HR president, she thinks she's the Spanish Obhama... And her newsletters... pul-lease! Who cares where she goes on holiday! We want to know about the resort, end of ! The community website is about as useful as a chocolate teapot ! Besides what's the point of registering if anyone has access to the same info...
What bugs me the most is this TV maintainance 115K euros a year, (for what!!!) the cleaners that come every week when once a month would be more than enough, gardeners that seem to turn blind at the sight of weeds, my block having to pay 300E every time some arsehole flushes a nappy down the toilet, having to pay to use the sports facilities, Polaris not giving a shit about the state of the areas between the golf course and gardens and Resortalia pretending to be fighting our case. Don't you worry, they just want our money.