Hacienda Riquelme was one of the most beautiful and environmentally valuable resorts in Murcia, combining a range of low-level buildings dispersed in an attractive landscape.
However, over a long period of time, the distinctive landscape of the resort has undergone a noticeable deterioration. Whilst water shortages have been a significant factor, questionable governance and management have also played a part.
Sadly, in January 2024 extremely controversial decisions are further damaging the resort's landscaping. The latest round of tree felling, communicated by surprise and without sufficient justification, has been another drop in the bucket that has been overflowing for some time. Whilst put forward as beneficial, the end result will be negative impacts on the aesthetic appeal of the resort and the value of the apartments.
Equally or more serious is that the management and administration of the resort continue to be less than transparent. The award of contracts, criteria underpinning the decision-making process and monitoring of performance have been systematically hidden. Decisions of the Board of Directors are made without taking into account the opinion of the owners, whilst questions have been raised regarding the professional qualifications and competency of the administrators.
There have been numerous examples where works and services have not met expected standards. Whilst surveys are undertaken, distributing them all simultaneously at year-end means that dissatisfied owners have not been given the opportunity to make their views known. Where contractors have not met expected standards, there is no obvious means of redress. Some owners have resorted to commenting via Facebook groups, but these have limited impact as they do not involve all the owners. Many consider it is better to forget about claiming refunds for shoddy work, or work that has not been done at all. And so on and so forth.
As soon as the new owners of El Casón made their appearance, they denounced bad accounting practices. These accusations may or may not be true, but they show that it is not just individual property owners who believe that some things are far from being done right.
There are neighbors who have been denouncing all of the above for years. But the fact is that most of the apartments are usually empty or rented. Many of the owners are not involved in the management of the resort, nor do they want to get into trouble. It is common for them to vote in favour of the suggestions of their sub-community president. These in turn frequently follow the recommendations of their phase presidents. We believe that the eight phase presidents that constitute the Board of Directors do not provide proper directions and are unduly influenced by the opinions of the Administration. That is the problem of being a foreigner in Spain, not speaking the language, nor knowing the legislation and the idiosyncrasy of this country.
Fortunately, a few months ago the Los Estorninos Homeowners Association was formed at Hacienda Riquelme, made up of owners of various nationalities and professionals from various sectors. One of its objectives is to look after the legitimate interests of those of us who have invested our savings here.
It seems that at last there are neighbours willing to join forces and put up a fight so that the high fees paid quarterly are used to obtain quality services and so that the numbers and accounts books can be seen by all. The aim is to ensure that Hacienda Riquelme can once again become one of the most beautiful, well maintained and managed resorts in Murcia.
Spotless Starlings (Estorninos) on the roof. Click to enlarge. |
Email: asoc.vecinoslosestorninos@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/225416296765793/
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